Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb つもり (〜tsumori)

Verb つもり (〜tsumori)

Short explanation:

Express the intention, plan, or determination to do something; 'I intend to', 'I plan to', 'I'm determined to'.


Verb-casual + つもり


Ashita, tomodachi ni au tsumori desu.
I plan to meet my friend tomorrow.
Konya, bangohan o tsukuru tsumori desu.
I intend to cook dinner tonight.
Rainen, ryuugaku suru tsumori desu.
I plan to study abroad next year.
Kono shuumatsu, yama ni noboru tsumori desu.
I'm determined to climb the mountain this weekend.

Long explanation:

The ~つもり grammar point is used to express the intention, plan, or determination to do something. It can be translated as 'I intend to', 'I plan to', or 'I'm determined to' in English. It is used with verbs in the casual form.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Verb つもり (〜tsumori)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb つもり (〜tsumori)

Verb つもり (〜つもり)

1. Introduction

Expressing intentions and plans is a crucial aspect of communication in any language. In Japanese, one common way to convey your intentions is by using the grammar pattern Verb + つもり. This pattern allows you to express what you plan or intend to do, similar to saying "I intend to..." or "I'm planning to..." in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


The grammar point Verb + つもり is used to indicate the speaker's intention or plan to perform a certain action. It emphasizes a decision or determination to do something.


To form this pattern, use the dictionary form of the verb followed by つもり. Formation:

Verb (Dictionary Form) + つもり

Formation Diagram

Verb (Dictionary Form) + つもり Meaning
行く (iku) 行くつもり I intend to go
食べる (taberu) 食べるつもり I plan to eat
勉強する (benkyou suru) 勉強するつもり I intend to study
見る (miru) 見るつもり I plan to watch/look

Negative Form

To express the intention not to do something, use the ない-form of the verb before つもり. Formation:

Verb (ない-Form) + つもり


  • 行かないつもりです。
    I intend not to go.

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing つもり with 予定 (よてい)

While both つもり and 予定 (よてい) can be translated as "plan" or "intend," they have subtle differences:

  • つもり: Emphasizes a personal intention or decision. It reflects what you intend to do.
  • 予定: Refers to a scheduled plan or arrangement. It often involves a fixed schedule or pre-arranged event. Comparison Table:
    Grammar Point Usage Example Meaning
    Verb + つもり Personal intention 明日、勉強するつもりです。 I plan to study tomorrow.
    Noun + の + 予定 Scheduled plan/event 来週、旅行の予定があります。 I have a trip scheduled next week.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Examples

  1. 来年、日本へ行くつもりです。
    I intend to go to Japan next year.
  2. 明日は早く起きるつもりです。
    I plan to wake up early tomorrow.

Informal Examples

  1. 週末は友達と会うつもりだ。
    I'm planning to meet friends this weekend.
  2. 今日は何もしないつもりだよ。
    I don't intend to do anything today.

Negative Intention Examples

  1. 彼女はパーティーに来ないつもりです。
    She doesn't plan to come to the party.
  2. もう甘いものを食べないつもりだ。
    I intend not to eat sweets anymore.

Questions Using つもり

  1. 夏休みに何をするつもりですか。
    What do you plan to do during summer vacation?
  2. その本を読むつもり?
    Are you planning to read that book?

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japanese culture, expressing intentions using つもり can imply a certain level of commitment. It's a way of sharing your plans with others, which can foster trust and mutual understanding.
  • Being clear about your intentions is valued in social interactions, helping to avoid misunderstandings.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • Polite Form: Add です at the end of the sentence.
    • 会議に参加するつもりです。
      I intend to attend the meeting.
  • Casual Form: Omit です for informal situations.
    • 映画を見るつもりだ。
      I'm planning to watch a movie.

Idiomatic Expressions Using つもり

  • そのつもりはない。
    I have no intention of doing that.
  • そのつもりだった。
    I was intending to do that.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

Mistake 1: Using the Masu-form Before つもり

  • Incorrect:
  • Correct:
    勉強するつもりです。 Explanation:
    Always use the dictionary form of the verb before つもり, not the masu-form.

Mistake 2: Confusing つもり with たい (want to)

  • Incorrect:
  • Correct:
    日本へ行きたいです。 (I want to go to Japan.)
    日本へ行くつもりです。 (I intend to go to Japan.) Explanation:
  • たい is used to express desire ("want to"), and is attached to the verb stem.
  • つもり expresses intention or plan and follows the dictionary form.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Tip:
    Think of つもり as "tsu-morrow," reminding you that it's about future intentions.
  • Practice:
    Create sentences about your daily plans using つもり to become comfortable with the structure.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Verb (Dictionary Form) + つもり is used to express your intention or plan to do something.
  • For negative intentions, use the ない-form of the verb before つもり.
  • つもり emphasizes personal intention, while 予定 refers to scheduled plans or arrangements.
  • Always use the dictionary form of the verb with つもり, not the masu-form.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you say "I intend to buy a new computer" in Japanese using つもり? Answer:
  2. What form of the verb do you use before つもり? Answer:
    Dictionary form (e.g., 行く, 食べる)
  3. Translate to Japanese: "She plans not to watch TV tonight." Answer:
  4. What's the difference between つもり and 予定? Answer:
    • つもり expresses personal intention or plan.
    • 予定 refers to scheduled events or arrangements.

By understanding and practicing Verb + つもり, you'll be able to effectively communicate your intentions and plans in Japanese. Keep practicing by expressing your daily plans!


Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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