Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb たいです (taidesu)

Express desire or want to do something; 'I want to', 'I would like to'.


る-Verb: Remove る and add たいです, う-Verb: Replace the final verb character with the ~い form and add たいです, Exception: する becomes したいです



Watashi wa sushi wo tabetai desu.

I want to eat sushi.


Kare wa Nihon ni ikitai desu.

He wants to go to Japan.


Kanojo wa eigo wo benkyou shitai desu.

She wants to study English.


Kodomo-tachi wa asobitai desu.

The children want to play.

Long Explanation

The たいです grammar point is used to express the speaker's desire or want to perform a certain action. It can be translated as 'I want to' or 'I would like to' in English. The formation differs depending on whether the verb is a る-verb or an う-verb.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Verb たいです (taidesu)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb たいです (taidesu)

1. Introduction

In Japanese, expressing your desires and wants is a fundamental part of everyday communication. The grammar pattern 「動詞+たいです」 (Verb + tai desu) allows you to convey what you want to do in a straightforward way. This lesson will delve into how to form and use this grammar point effectively.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


「動詞+たいです」 means "I want to [verb]." It is used to express the speaker's desire to perform a particular action.


To construct this form:

  1. Take the verb in its dictionary form.
  2. Convert it to the ます-stem (also known as the verb stem).
  3. Add 「たいです」 to the stem.

Formation Diagram

Verb (Dictionary Form) ます-Stem + たいです Meaning
食べる (taberu) 食べ 食べたいです I want to eat
行く (iku) 行き 行きたいです I want to go
読む (yomu) 読み 読みたいです I want to read
書く (kaku) 書き 書きたいです I want to write
会う (au) 会い 会いたいです I want to meet

Detailed Explanation

Step 1: Get the ます-Stem

To find the ます-stem of a verb:

  • For 五段動詞 (Godan verbs): Change the final u sound to the corresponding i sound.
    • Example: 書く (kaku) -> 書き (kaki)
  • For 一段動詞 (Ichidan verbs): Remove the final る (ru).
    • Example: 食べる (taberu) -> 食べ (tabe)

Step 2: Add 「たいです」

Attach たいです to the ます-stem:

  • 食べ + たいです = 食べたいです

Conjugation of たいです

The たいです ending conjugates like an い形容詞 (i-adjective).

Positive Form

Tense Form Example
Present 動詞ます-stem + たいです 食べたいです (I want to eat)
Past 動詞ます-stem + たかったです 食べたかったです (I wanted to eat)

Negative Form

Tense Form Example
Present 動詞ます-stem + たくないです 食べたくないです (I don't want to eat)
Past 動詞ます-stem + たくなかったです 食べたくなかったです (I didn't want to eat)

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing 「たいです」 with Similar Expressions

1. 「〜たがっています」

  • Usage: When expressing someone else's desire.
  • Structure: 動詞ます-stem + たがっています
  • Example: 彼は新しい車を 買いたがっています
    • Kare wa atarashii kuruma o kaitagatte imasu.
    • Translation: He wants to buy a new car.

2. 「〜たいと思います」

  • Usage: To soften the expression of desire (more polite/formal).
  • Structure: 動詞ます-stem + たいと思います
  • Example: 日本へ行き たいと思います
    • Nihon e iki tai to omoimasu.
    • Translation: I think I want to go to Japan.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Situations

  1. 大学で日本語を勉強したいです。
    • Daigaku de nihongo o benkyou shitai desu.
    • Translation: I want to study Japanese at university.
  2. 明日、社長に会いたいです。
    • Ashita, shachou ni aitai desu.
    • Translation: I want to meet the company president tomorrow.

Informal Situations

  1. ゲームがしたい。
    • Geemu ga shitai.
    • Translation: I want to play a game.
  2. 今日は何もしたくない。
    • Kyou wa nanimo shitakunai.
    • Translation: I don't want to do anything today.


  1. 何を食べたいですか。
    • Nani o tabetai desu ka.
    • Translation: What do you want to eat?
  2. 週末はどこへ行きたいですか。
    • Shuumatsu wa doko e ikitai desu ka.
    • Translation: Where do you want to go this weekend?

Negative Forms

  1. その映画は見たくないです。
    • Sono eiga wa mitakunai desu.
    • Translation: I don't want to see that movie.
  2. もう待ちたくなかったです。
    • Mou machitakunakatta desu.
    • Translation: I didn't want to wait anymore.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japanese culture, expressing one's desires directly is acceptable among close friends and family. However, in formal settings or with superiors, it's polite to soften expressions.

Politeness and Formality

  • Direct (Casual): 行きたい。
    • Used among friends or peers.
  • Polite: 行きたいです。
    • Standard polite form.
  • More Polite/Formal: 行きたいと思っています。
    • Used in formal situations or with superiors.

Idiomatic Expressions Using 「たいです」

  • 死にたいほど疲れた。
    • Shinitai hodo tsukareta.
    • Translation: I'm so tired I could die.
    • Note: An idiomatic way to express extreme fatigue.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

Mistake 1: Using Dictionary Form Instead of ます-Stem

  • Incorrect: 食べるたいです。
  • Correct: 食べたいです。 Tip: Always use the ます-stem of the verb before adding たいです.

Mistake 2: Using 「たいです」 for Third Person

  • Incorrect: 彼は日本に行きたいです。
  • Correct: 彼は日本に 行きたがっていますTip: Use たがっています to express someone else's desires.

Learning Strategies

  • Practice Converting Verbs:
    • Regularly change verbs from dictionary form to ます-stem.
  • Remember the い-Adjective Conjugation:
    • Since たいです conjugates like an い-adjective, review how to form negative and past tense forms of い-adjectives.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 「動詞ます-stem + たいです」 is used to express personal desires.
  • Conjugate たいです like an い-adjective for tense and negativity.
  • Use たがっています when talking about someone else's wants.
  • Adjust the level of politeness based on the context and the person you are speaking to.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Form the sentence: "I want to buy a new book."
  2. How do you say: "She wants to eat sushi." (Use appropriate grammar for third person.)
  3. What is the negative past form of 見たいです?


  1. 新しい本を買いたいです。
    • Atarashii hon o kaitai desu.
  2. 彼女はお寿司を食べたがっています。
    • Kanojo wa osushi o tabetagatte imasu.
  3. 見たくなかったです。
    • Mitakunakatta desu.

By mastering 「動詞+たいです」, you can effectively communicate your wants and desires in Japanese, enhancing your conversational skills and cultural understanding.

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