Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Nounをいただく (Noun wo itadaku)

To receive or accept something politely; 'to receive', 'to get', 'to accept'.


Noun + を + いただく



Purezento wo itadaki arigatou gozaimasu.

Thank you for the gift that I received.


Sensei kara adobaisu wo itadakimashita.

I received advice from my teacher.


Kono koohii wo itadaite ii desu ka?

May I have this coffee?


Kaisha no joushi ni shoushin no oshirase wo itadakimashita.

I received a promotion notification from my boss at the company.

Long Explanation

The Nounをいただく grammar point is used to express the action of receiving or accepting something in a polite or humble manner. The verb 'いただく' is a more respectful version of the verb 'もらう' (to receive), so using 'いただく' shows humility and respect towards the person who is giving you something.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Nounをいただく (Noun wo itadaku)

Japanese Grammar Point: Nounをいただく (Noun wo itadaku)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the grammar point Nounをいただく (Noun wo itadaku). This expression is a humble way to say "to receive Noun" or "to eat/drink Noun" in Japanese. It's commonly used in formal situations to show respect and humility.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

いただく (itadaku) is the humble form of the verbs もらう (morau, "to receive") and 食べる/飲む (taberu/nomu, "to eat/drink"). By using いただく, the speaker lowers themselves and elevates the person from whom they receive something or who provided the food/drink.


  1. To receive Noun (from someone of higher status)
  2. To eat/drink Noun (humbly referring to one's own actions)



  • Receiving Something:
    [Person]から/に Noun を いただく
  • Eating/Drinking Something:
    Noun を いただく


Component Explanation
Noun The item being received or consumed
Object particle
いただく Humble verb meaning "to receive/eat/drink"

Visual Aid: Structure Diagram

Receiving Something:

[Person] から/に   Noun   を   いただく
   ↑       ↑        ↑     ↑       ↑
Giver   Particle  Item  Particle Humble Verb

Eating/Drinking Something:

Noun   を   いただく
 ↑     ↑       ↑
Item Particle Humble Verb

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing with Similar Grammar Points

Plain Form Humble Form (いただく) Usage
もらう いただく To receive (from someone)
食べる いただく To eat (humbly referring to oneself)
飲む いただく To drink (humbly referring to oneself)
  • もらう vs. いただく:
    • もらう is used in casual situations.
    • いただく is the humble form, suitable for formal contexts.
  • 食べる/飲む vs. いただく:
    • 食べる/飲む are neutral verbs.
    • いただく shows humility when talking about eating/drinking.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

Receiving Something

  1. 友達からプレゼントをいただきました。 Tomodachi kara purezento wo itadakimashita. "I received a present from a friend."
  2. 社長にお土産をいただきました。 Shachou ni omiyage wo itadakimashita. "I received a souvenir from the company president."
  3. 先生から推薦状をいただく予定です。 Sensei kara suisenjou wo itadaku yotei desu. "I plan to receive a letter of recommendation from my teacher."

Eating/Drinking Something

  1. 美味しいお茶をいただきました。 Oishii ocha wo itadakimashita. "I had some delicious tea."
  2. 昼食にサンドイッチをいただきます。 Chuushoku ni sandoicchi wo itadakimasu. "I'll have a sandwich for lunch."
  3. 今朝は早く朝食をいただきました。 Kesa wa hayaku choushoku wo itadakimashita. "I had breakfast early this morning."

Context Variations

  • Formal Speech:
    • この度はご招待をいただき、ありがとうございます。 Kono tabi wa goshoutai wo itadaki, arigatou gozaimasu. "Thank you for the invitation."
  • Polite Request:
    • 少々お時間をいただけますか。 Shoushou ojikan wo itadakemasu ka. "May I have a moment of your time?"

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Politeness and Hierarchy: Using いただく reflects the Japanese cultural emphasis on humility and respect for others, especially in hierarchical relationships like employee to boss, student to teacher, or when interacting with clients.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • いただきます
    • Said before eating a meal.
    • Expresses gratitude for the food and those who prepared it. "I humbly receive (this meal)."

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using Casual Verbs in Formal Situations:
    • Incorrect: 部長にレポートをもらいました。 Buchou ni repo-to wo moraimashita.
      • Too casual when speaking about receiving from a superior.
    • Correct: 部長にレポートをいただきました。 Buchou ni repo-to wo itadakimashita.
  2. Misplacing Particles:
    • Incorrect: 社長をお土産にいただきました。 Shachou wo omiyage ni itadakimashita.
      • Incorrect particle use changes the meaning nonsensically.
    • Correct: 社長にお土産をいただきました。 Shachou ni omiyage wo itadakimashita.

Learning Strategies

  • Remember the Hierarchy:
    • Use いただく when receiving from someone of higher status or when you want to be extra polite.
  • Set Phrases:
    • Practice common expressions like いただきます to get accustomed to the humble form.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • いただく is the humble form of もらう, 食べる, and 飲む.
  • Use Nounをいただく to humbly express receiving or consuming something.
  • Essential for polite speech and demonstrates respect in formal contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the humble form of "to receive"?
    • Answer: いただく
  2. How do you say "I will have coffee" politely using いただく?
    • Answer: コーヒーをいただきます。 Ko-hi- wo itadakimasu.
  3. When should you use いただく instead of もらう?
    • Answer: When you want to be polite or are receiving something from someone of higher status.

By mastering Nounをいただく, you'll enhance your ability to communicate respectfully in Japanese, especially in formal settings.

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