Decoded Slug: Noun を おいて他に Verb ない (〜wo oite hoka ni〜nai)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun を おいて他に Verb ない (〜wo oite hoka ni〜nai)

Noun を おいて他に Verb ない (〜wo oite hoka ni〜nai)

Short explanation:

This grammar point means 'apart from ~ there's nothing else', implying the Noun is the best or most suitable choice.


Noun + をおいて他に + Verb negative form


Kono shigoto wo kare ni makaseru hito wo oite hoka ni inai.
Apart from him, there's no one else to entrust this job to.
Kono mondai wo kaiketsu dekiru no wa kare o oite hoka ni inai.
Apart from him, there's no one else who can solve this problem.
Kono chiiki de oishii men o tsukuru mise o oite hoka ni nai.
There is no other restaurant in this area that makes delicious noodles apart from this one.
Kanojo no utagoe o koeru kashu o oite hoka ni inai.
There is no other singer who could surpass her singing voice.

Long explanation:

The structure Nounをおいて他に〜ない is used to express the idea that there is no substitute for the Noun, no other choice, or that the Noun is the best or the only one to choose among various options. This form is often used in praising or making good comments about someone or something.

Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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