Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun ばかり (〜bakari)

Noun ばかり (〜bakari)

Short explanation:

Expresses 'only', 'nothing but', 'always', or 'just'


Noun + ばかり, Verb-casual + ばかり, い-Adjective + ばかり, な-Adjective + だ ばかり


Kare wa okane bakari hanasu.
He talks about nothing but money.
Kanojo wa benkyou bakari shiteiru.
She is always studying.
Depaato ni wa takai shouhin bakari da.
There are only expensive items in the department store.
Kono heya wa semai bakari.
This room is nothing but small.

Long explanation:

The ばかり grammar point is used to express that something is only, nothing but, just, or always. It can be attached to nouns, verbs, or adjectives, and has various meanings based on the context.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Noun ばかり (〜bakari)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun ばかり (〜bakari)

Noun ばかり (〜bakari)

1. Introduction

The grammar point ばかり (〜bakari) is used in Japanese to indicate that something is in excess or that something is mainly focused on one thing. It conveys the nuance of "only," "just," or "a lot of" when referring to nouns.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

  • Meaning: The word ばかり essentially conveys the idea of "only" or "just," emphasizing that something is primarily or excessively done, or is the sole focus of attention.
  • Structure:
    • When used with a noun, it is attached directly to the noun.
    • Example:
      • 友達 (ともだち, tomodachi - friend) + ばかり → 友達ばかり (ともだちばかり, tomodachi bakari - only friends)

Formation Diagram

Noun ばかり Form
Noun + ばかり [Noun]ばかり

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

  • Noun だけ (だけ)

    • だけ means "only" as well, but it doesn't carry the nuance of excess.
    • Example: 友達だけ (ともだちだけ, tomodachi dake - only friends) focuses on exclusivity rather than abundance.
  • Noun ばかり vs. Noun ばかりでなく (ばかりでなく)

    • ばかりでなく expands the idea to include more than just one aspect.
    • Example: 友達ばかりでなく (ともだちばかりでなく, tomodachi bakari de naku - not only friends)

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. Formal Context:
    • 彼は勉強ばかりしている。
    • (かれはべんきょうばかりしている。)
    • He is only studying (all the time).
  2. Informal Context:
    • 最近は映画ばかり見てる。
    • (さいきんはえいがばかりみてる。)
    • Lately, I’ve just been watching movies.
  3. Written Context:
    • 私はその本ばかり読んでいます。
    • (わたしはそのほんばかりよんでいます。)
    • I am only reading that book.
  4. Spoken Context:
    • あの人は仕事ばかりしてるよ。
    • (あのひとはしごとうばかりしてるよ。)
    • That person only works (all the time).

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • The use of ばかり can indicate a lack of balance in one's life, such as focusing too heavily on work, implying that a person may not have a well-rounded lifestyle.
  • Levels of Politeness: Depending on the context, the use of informal and formal speech can affect the perception of your focus. Using ばかり in casual conversations might reflect an understanding of the subject matter while using it in a formal context can indicate seriousness.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • "遊ぶばかり" (あそぶばかり - asobu bakari): meaning "only playing," used colloquially to critique someone for not working.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Over-usage: Beginners often overuse ばかり in contexts that require more nuance, such as when hoping to convey the diversity of activities or subjects.
  • Misunderstanding Nuance: Failing to grasp that ばかり suggests excess rather than simply "only."

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Connect "ばかり" with "a lot of" to remember its emphasis on quantity.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • The grammar point ばかり (〜bakari) emphasizes excess or exclusivity of a noun.
  • It contrasts with だけ (dake) and introduces additional nuances depending on context.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does ばかり mean in English?
  2. Write an example sentence using ばかり with a noun.
  3. Compare ばかり with だけ by explaining one difference.

This concludes the grammar point lesson on ばかり (〜bakari). Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!


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