Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun と~ (Noun to~)

Express 'with', 'and' or 'together with' when connecting nouns.


Noun1 + と + Noun2



Ringo to banana wo kaimashita.

I bought apples and bananas.


Tomodachi to eiga wo mi ni ikimasu.

I will go to watch a movie with my friend.


Chichi to haha to issho ni ryokou shimashita.

I traveled together with my father and mother.


Kare to kanojo wa kekkon shimashita.

He and she got married.

Long Explanation

The Noun と grammar point is used to express a connection between two or more nouns, indicating 'with', 'and', or 'together with' in English. It functions as a particle that is used to simply list multiple items or express companionship.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun と~ (Noun to~)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun と~ (Noun to~)

1. Introduction

Welcome to today's lesson on the particle と (to) in Japanese grammar! This particle plays a crucial role in connecting nouns, expressing companionship, and indicating quotations. Mastering the use of will enhance your ability to create complex sentences and communicate more naturally in Japanese.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

The particle has several primary functions when used after a noun:

  1. Connecting Nouns (And): Lists items explicitly.
  2. Indicating Accompaniment (With): Describes doing an action with someone or something.
  3. Quotation Particle: Introduces direct or indirect speech and thoughts.

Structure and Formation

1. Connecting Nouns (And)


Noun A と Noun B (と Noun C ...)
  • Used to connect two or more nouns, similar to "and" in English.
  • All items are listed explicitly, implying nothing is omitted. Example:
  • パンを買いました。
    I bought bread and eggs.

2. Indicating Accompaniment (With)


Noun (Person/Animal) と Action
  • Indicates performing an action together with someone or something. Example:
  • 友達と映画を見に行きます。
    I'm going to watch a movie with a friend.

3. Quotation Particle


Phrase/Noun と 言う/思う/聞く/etc.
  • Used to quote speech, thoughts, names, or sounds. Example:
  • 彼は**「こんにちは」言いました**。
    He said "Hello."

Visual Aid: Overview of Particle

Function Structure Meaning
Connecting Nouns Noun A と Noun B And
Indicating Accompaniment Noun と Verb With
Quotation Particle Phrase と 言う/思う/聞く Quotation

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing , , and

While is used to connect nouns explicitly, other particles like and serve different purposes.

と (to) vs. や (ya)

  • と (to): Lists all items explicitly (closed list).
    • Example:
      I ate apples and bananas. (Only apples and bananas)
  • や (ya): Lists items non-exhaustively (open list), meaning "such as" or "and so on."
    • Example:
      I ate apples, bananas, and so on. (Possible other fruits)

と (to) vs. も (mo)

  • も (mo): Means "also" or "too," used to indicate inclusion.
    • Example:
      I ate apples and bananas too. (Emphasizing inclusion)

4. Examples in Context

Connecting Nouns (And)

Example 1: Formal

  • お茶コーヒーを注文します。
    I will order tea and coffee.

Example 2: Informal

  • 猫が好きだ。
    I like dogs and cats.

Indicating Accompaniment (With)

Example 3: Spoken

  • 買い物に行きました。
    I went shopping with my mother.

Example 4: Written

  • 学生たちは先生写真を撮りました。
    The students took a photo with the teacher.

Quotation Particle

Example 5: Reporting Speech

  • 彼は明日来る言いました。
    He said that he will come tomorrow.

Example 6: Expressing Thoughts

  • 雨が降りそうだ思います。
    I think that it might rain.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Expressing Relationships: Using to indicate actions done with others reflects the collectivist aspect of Japanese culture, emphasizing group activities and harmony.
  • Politeness Levels: The choice of verbs following can affect the politeness level. For formal situations, use polite forms like 言いました, while in casual contexts, plain forms like 言った are acceptable.

Idiomatic Expressions Using

  1. 時(と)は金(かね)なり
    Time is money.
  2. 終わり良ければ全て良し(と)
    All's well that ends well.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

Mistake 1: Incorrectly Omitting

  • Incorrect:
    I saw a friend movie.
  • Correct:
    I watched a movie with a friend.

Mistake 2: Misusing for Non-Exhaustive Lists

  • Incorrect:
    (Mixing and improperly)
  • Correct:
    I read books, magazines, and newspapers.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic for Connecting Nouns: Think of as connecting two items "toe to toe" (toe sounds like ).
  • Visualization: Envision as a link or bridge between nouns, emphasizing a close connection.
  • Practice Quotations: Use in daily life to report what you heard or thought to get comfortable with the quotation function.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • is a versatile particle used to:
    • Connect nouns explicitly (A and B).
    • Indicate accompaniment (do something with someone).
    • Introduce quotations (He said that...).
  • Context matters: The meaning of changes based on its use in the sentence.
  • Avoid common mistakes by remembering the specific functions of and not mixing it with particles like or improperly.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank:
    (I spoke with the teacher.)
  2. Choose the correct particle to list items non-exhaustively:
  3. Translate to Japanese using :
    "I think that Japanese is interesting."


  1. 私は先生話しました。
  2. りんごオレンジを買いました。
  3. 日本語は面白い思います。

By understanding and practicing these uses of , you'll be able to communicate more effectively and naturally in Japanese. Keep practicing, and soon using will become second nature!

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Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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