Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun だけ〜 (〜dake)

Noun だけ〜 (〜dake)

Short explanation:

Indicates 'only', 'just', or 'merely'.


Noun + だけ, Verb-casual + だけ, い-Adjective + だけ, な-Adjective-な + だけ


Koohii dake nonde, kaerimashita.
I only drank coffee and went home.
Kono hon wa nijuu peeji dake yonda.
I only read twenty pages of this book.
Kanojo wa totemo hayai desu ga, hashiru dake hayaku naku, kangaeru dake hayai desu.
She is very fast, not only in running but also in thinking.
Kono heya wa neru dake no basho desu.
This room is a place only for sleeping.

Long explanation:

The Noun だけ grammar point is used to emphasize the idea of 'only', 'just', or 'merely' in a sentence. It can be attached to nouns, verbs, い-adjectives, and な-adjectives to show this emphasis. This grammar point is commonly used in both spoken and written Japanese.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Noun だけ〜 (〜dake)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun だけ〜 (〜dake)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun だけ (〜dake)

1. Introduction

The grammar point だけ (dake) is commonly used in Japanese to indicate "only" or "just." It emphasizes exclusivity and is often utilized in various contexts to narrow down what is being discussed.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

  • Meaning: だけ (dake) means "only" or "just." It highlights that what precedes it is the sole focus or limited scope.

  • Structure: The structure of using だけ is straightforward:

    [Noun] + だけ

Formation Diagram

Noun だけ
本 (hon) だけ
お金 (okane) だけ
日本語 (nihongo) だけ

Visual Aids

Examples Translation
これだけでいいです。 Just this is fine.
私だけが知っている。 Only I know.
りんごだけを買いました。 I bought only apples.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points:

  • しか (shika): This means "only," but it is used with negative verbs to indicate exclusivity (e.g., りんごしか食べない - I eat only apples).
  • のみ (nomi): More formal and can be used similarly to だけ, usually following nouns, but is less common in spoken language (e.g., 日本語のみ話せます - I can speak only Japanese). Differences:
  • だけ is broader in usage and can be used in affirmative sentences, whereas しか must be used with negative verbs.
  • のみ tends to express exclusivity in formal contexts.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. Formal:
    • こちらの製品だけをお勧めします。(Kochira no seihin dake o osusume shimasu.)
    • We only recommend this product.
  2. Informal:
    • 昨日だけ遊びに行った。(Kinou dake asobi ni itta.)
    • I just went out to have fun yesterday.
  3. Written:
    • これは私だけの秘密です。(Kore wa watashi dake no himitsu desu.)
    • This is a secret just for me.
  4. Spoken:
    • あの映画だけが面白かった。(Ano eiga dake ga omoshirokatta.)
    • Only that movie was interesting.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese culture, being polite and acknowledging the limits of one’s knowledge or experiences is important. Using だけ shows humility and an understanding that others may have different experiences or knowledge.

Levels of Politeness

  • When using だけ in formal settings, it's important to combine it with polite forms of verbs and suitable noun phrases to maintain politeness.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • それだけ (sore dake): Just that.
  • だけではなく (dake de wa naku): Not only... but also.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Common Mistake: Confusing だけ with しか (shika). Remember that だけ is used in affirmative statements, while しか requires a negative verb.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: "だけ = Just One" - visualize a single object or a limited choice to remember its exclusivity.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • だけ (dake) means "only" or "just."
  • Used to emphasize exclusivity in various contexts.
  • Different from しか (shika) and のみ (nomi) in terms of usage.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does だけ (dake) mean in English?
  2. Can you use だけ (dake) with negative sentences?
  3. Give an example sentence using だけ (dake). This concludes our detailed explanation of the grammar point だけ (dake). Keep practicing to master its usage!

Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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