Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
A。しかも B。(A. Shikamo B.)

A。しかも B。(A. Shikamo B.)

Short explanation:

Expressing additional information; 'moreover', 'besides', 'furthermore'.


Statement A + 。しかも + Statement B。


Kono ryouri wa oishii desu. Shikamo, yasui desu.
This dish is delicious. Moreover, it is cheap.
Kare wa yuushuu na gakusei desu. Shikamo, supootsu ga tokui desu.
He is an excellent student. Besides, he is good at sports.
Kanojo wa uta ga jouzu desu. Shikamo, dansu mo jouzu desu.
She is good at singing. Furthermore, she is also good at dancing.
Kono kafe wa fun'iki ga ii desu. Shikamo, koohii mo oishii desu.
This cafe has a nice atmosphere. Moreover, the coffee is also delicious.

Long explanation:

The しかも grammar point is used to express additional information, supplementing or emphasizing what was mentioned before. It can be translated as 'moreover', 'besides', or 'furthermore' in English. Both A and B are independent statements, and しかも is used to connect them.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: A。しかも B。(A. Shikamo B.)

Japanese Grammar Point: A。しかも B。(A. Shikamo B.)

A。しかも B。 (A. Shikamo B.)

1. Introduction

The conjunction しかも (shikamo) is used in Japanese to add information to a previous statement, emphasizing that the added information is notable or unexpected. It can be translated as "moreover," "furthermore," "what's more," or "on top of that" in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


しかも is used to connect two sentences or clauses, where the second part (B) adds additional information to the first part (A), often intensifying or emphasizing the preceding statement.

  • English equivalents: "Moreover," "Furthermore," "What's more," "On top of that"


The basic structure of using しかも is:

  • A: An initial statement or fact.
  • しかも: Conjunction meaning "moreover" or "what's more."
  • B: Additional information that adds to or emphasizes A.

Formation Diagram

[Sentence A]。しかも、[Sentence B]。

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

Grammar Point Meaning Usage
さらに "Furthermore," "In addition" Adds more information, often used formally
その上 "Moreover," "Besides that" Adds information, can suggest increasing degree
それに "Moreover," "Besides" Adds information, often used in spoken language
おまけに "To make matters worse/better" Adds information, often with an unexpected or negative tone
  • Differences:
    • しかも emphasizes that the additional information is significant or unexpected.
    • さらに often adds more of the same kind of information.
    • おまけに often implies that the addition is either beneficial or detrimental.

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Positive Addition


  • 彼は有名な歌手だ。しかも、作曲もできる。
  • Kare wa yūmei na kashu da. Shikamo, sakkyoku mo dekiru.
  • He is a famous singer. What's more, he can also compose music.

Example 2: Emphasizing Unexpected Information


  • 昨日は雨だった。しかも、雷まで鳴った。
  • Kinō wa ame datta. Shikamo, kaminari made natta.
  • Yesterday, it rained. Moreover, there was even thunder.

Example 3: Formal Context


  • この商品は質が高い。しかも、価格も手頃だ。
  • Kono shōhin wa shitsu ga takai. Shikamo, kakaku mo tegoro da.
  • This product is high quality. Furthermore, it's reasonably priced.

Example 4: Negative Context


  • 彼は約束を忘れた。しかも、連絡もしなかった。
  • Kare wa yakusoku o wasureta. Shikamo, renraku mo shinakatta.
  • He forgot the appointment. On top of that, he didn't even contact me.

Example 5: Casual Conversation


  • あのレストランは美味しいよ。しかも、サービスもいい。
  • Ano resutoran wa oishii yo. Shikamo, sābisu mo ii.
  • That restaurant is delicious. Plus, the service is good.

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness

  • しかも is fairly neutral and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
  • It is appropriate for written and spoken language.

Idiomatic Expressions

While しかも itself isn't part of an idiomatic expression, it's often used in literature and speeches to build emphasis and persuade the audience by stacking points.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Mistake: Using しかも without proper context, leading to awkward sentences.
    • Incorrect Example: 天気はいい。しかも、朝ごはんを食べた。
    • Explanation: The two sentences are unrelated; しかも is best used when B adds to or emphasizes A.


  • Ensure that Sentence B adds meaningful information to Sentence A.
  • Use しかも when you want to emphasize that the additional information is significant.

Mnemonic Device

  • しかも sounds like "She come more" → Think "There's more to come."

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • しかも is a conjunction meaning "moreover" or "what's more."
  • It connects two sentences where the second adds significant information to the first.
  • Used in both formal and informal contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does しかも mean in English?
    • Answer: "Moreover," "Furthermore," "What's more"
  2. Is しかも appropriate for formal writing?
    • Answer: Yes, it's suitable for both formal and informal contexts.
  3. Choose the correct usage of しかも: a) 今日は暑い。しかも、私は学生です。 b) 彼女はピアノが弾ける。しかも、ギターも上手だ。
    • Answer: b) 彼女はピアノが弾ける。しかも、ギターも上手だ。

By understanding and practicing しかも, you can improve the flow of your sentences and make your Japanese sound more natural and persuasive.


Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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