Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
A。 では、~B。 (A. Dewa, ~B)

Indicates a contrast or comparison between A and B; 'As for A, ~B'.


Noun A + では、 + Subject + Predicate B



Kudamono dewa, ringo ga ichiban suki desu.

As for fruits, apples are my favorite.


Supōtsu dewa, sakkā ga ichiban ninki desu.

As for sports, soccer is the most popular.


Kyou no tenki dewa, ame ga furisou desu.

As for today's weather, it looks like it will rain.


Ryouri dewa, washoku ga ichiban tokui desu.

As for cooking, I am best at Japanese cuisine.

Long Explanation

The A では、~B grammar point is used to indicate a contrast or comparison between A and B. It is used to express that 'As for A, ~ B' or 'Regarding A, ~ B'. This grammar structure is often used for contrasting or comparing different subjects/topics.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: A。 では、~B。 (A. Dewa, ~B)

Japanese Grammar Point: A。 では、~B。 (A. Dewa, ~B)

1. Introduction

In Japanese, transitions between thoughts and actions are essential for smooth communication. The grammar structure A。では、~B。 is a useful conjunctive expression that helps speakers move from one statement to a conclusion, decision, or next action. It serves a similar function to phrases like "Well then," "In that case," or "So," in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

The phrase では in this context is used as a conjunction to:

  • Transition from a statement or situation (A) to a subsequent action or conclusion (B).
  • Indicate a decision or next step based on the information provided in the preceding sentence.
  • Express "Well then," "So," or "In that case," to smoothly connect ideas.


  • A: A statement, observation, or context.
  • では: Conjunctive expression meaning "Well then," "So," or "In that case."
  • B: The resulting action, decision, or response.

Formation Diagram

Component Role Example
A Initial statement 今日 (きょう) は雨 (あめ) ですね。
It's raining today.
では Conjunctive expression ("Well then") では
B Subsequent action or conclusion 映画 (えいが) を見 (み) に行 (い) きましょう。
Let's go see a movie.

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Expressions

Expression Meaning Usage Context Formality
では Well then; In that case Neutral/Formal Formal
じゃ Well then; So Casual conversation Informal
それでは Then; In that case Formal settings More Formal
じゃあ Well; So Casual speech Informal
  • じゃ is the colloquial contraction of では and is used in informal contexts.
  • それでは adds それ ("that") for emphasis and is slightly more formal.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. Formal Spoken
    A: 会議 (かいぎ) は午後 (ごご) 3時 (さんじ) に終 (お) わります。
    The meeting will end at 3 PM.
    では、4時 (よじ) にお客様 (きゃくさま) とお会 (あ) いします。
    Well then, I'll meet the client at 4 PM.
  2. Informal Conversation
    A: 今 (いま) からランチに行 (い) きます。
    I'm going to lunch now.
    では、私 (わたし) も一緒 (いっしょ) に行 (い) きます。
    Well then, I'll go with you.
  3. Written Formal
    A: 詳細 (しょうさい) をメールで送 (おく) りました。
    I have sent the details via email.
    では、ご確認 (かくにん) ください。
    In that case, please check it.
  4. Expressing a Decision
    A: 商品 (しょうひん) が売 (う) り切 (き) れていました。
    The product was sold out.
    では、別 (べつ) の店 (みせ) に行 (い) きましょう。
    Well then, let's go to another store.

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness

  • では is considered formal and is appropriate in business settings, formal conversations, and written communication.
  • Using では shows respect and maintains a professional tone.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • ではまた。
    • Meaning: "Well then, see you again."
    • Usage: A polite way to say goodbye, often used in formal contexts.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using Informal Expressions in Formal Settings
    • Incorrect: Using じゃ in a business meeting.
      • Example Mistake: じゃ、始 (はじ) めましょう。
    • Correct: Use では instead.
      • Correction: では、始 (はじ) めましょう。
  2. *Confusing では with the Particle Combination で + は
    • では can also be a combination of the particle (by, at) and (topic marker).
      • Example: 東京 (とうきょう) では、多 (おお) くの人 (ひと) が電車 (でんしゃ) を使 (つか) います。
        • In Tokyo, many people use trains.
    • Tip: Pay attention to context to determine the correct meaning.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of では as a formal "Well then," where sets the stage, and highlights the transition.
  • Practice: Use では in role-playing exercises that mimic formal situations, such as business meetings or formal emails.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • では is a formal conjunctive expression meaning "Well then," "So," or "In that case."
  • It connects a preceding statement (A) to a subsequent action or conclusion (B).
  • Use では in formal and professional contexts to maintain politeness.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunctive expression: 部長 (ぶちょう) :報告書 (ほうこくしょ) を明日 (あした) までに提出 (ていしゅつ) してください。 あなた:_______、準備 (じゅんび) いたします。 Answer: では、準備いたします。
  2. True or False: It's appropriate to use じゃ in a formal business email. Answer: False
  3. Choose the correct expression for a formal setting: A) じゃあ、始めましょう。 B) では、始めましょう。 Answer: B) では、始めましょう。

Practice using では in your daily conversations to become more familiar with its formal tone and usage.

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