Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~を中心に (〜wo chuushin ni)

Indicates that something is centered around or focused on a main topic or area.


Noun + を中心に



Kono ibento wa ongaku o chuushin ni tanoshimarete imasu.

This event is mainly enjoyed for its music.


Kare no shigoto wa Toukyou o chuushin ni okonawarete imasu.

His work is primarily conducted in and around Tokyo.


Kanojo wa kenkou o chuushin ni hon o kaite imasu.

She’s writing a book focusing on health.


Saikin no kenkyuu wa kankyou hogo o chuushin ni okonawarete iru.

Recent research is being carried out with a primary focus on environmental protection.

Long Explanation

「~を中心に」 is used with nouns to show that an action or situation is mainly or primarily about the specified noun. It can be translated as 'centered on', 'focusing on', or 'with ... as the main focus'.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~を中心に (〜wo chuushin ni)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~を中心に (〜wo chuushin ni)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point ~を中心に (~wo chuushin ni), which is used to express the idea of centering around something or focusing on a particular subject. This expression is commonly used in both spoken and written Japanese and is essential for conveying central themes or focal points in a conversation.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

~を中心に (~wo chuushin ni) is a phrase that means "centering around ~", "focusing on ~", or "mainly ~". It is used to indicate that the action or state involves the noun preceding を中心に as the central element or focus.


  • (wo): Direct object marker
  • 中心 (chuushin): Center or core
  • (ni): Particle indicating location or direction Combined, ~を中心に conveys the meaning of "centered on ~" or "with ~ as the center".


The basic structure is:

[ Noun ] を中心に [ Verb / Phrase ]

Formation Diagram

[ Topic / Subject ] は [ Noun ] を中心に [ Verb / Phrase ]。
  • [ Noun ]: The focal point or central element
  • [ Verb / Phrase ]: The action or description related to the focus

Visual Aid: Structure Table

Component Role Meaning
[Noun] Central focus The main subject
Object marker Indicates the noun
中心に Fixed expression "centered on"
[Verb/Phrase] Action or description Relates to the central focus

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

  • ~を中心として (~wo chuushin to shite): Similar meaning, "taking ~ as the center".
  • ~をめぐって (~wo megutte): Means "concerning ~" or "regarding ~", focuses on discussions or disputes about something.
  • ~に対して (~ni taishite): Means "towards ~" or "against ~", indicates direction of an action towards a target.


  • ~を中心に emphasizes the central role or focus of the noun in the action.
  • ~をめぐって often involves debates or discussions about the noun.
  • ~に対して indicates an action directed towards the noun but doesn't imply centrality.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

Formal Context

  1. 日本は東京を中心に経済が発展しています。
    • Nihon wa Tōkyō wo chuushin ni keizai ga hatten shiteimasu.
    • Translation: "Japan's economy is developing with Tokyo at its center."
  2. このプロジェクトは環境保護を中心に進められています。
    • Kono purojekuto wa kankyō hogo wo chuushin ni susumerarete imasu.
    • Translation: "This project is being carried out with a focus on environmental protection."

Informal Context

  1. 彼女を中心にみんな集まった。
    • Kanojo wo chuushin ni minna atsumatta.
    • Translation: "Everyone gathered around her."
  2. 週末は家族を中心に過ごしています。
    • Shūmatsu wa kazoku wo chuushin ni sugoshiteimasu.
    • Translation: "I spend weekends mainly with my family."

Written Context

  1. この小説は愛を中心に描かれている。
    • Kono shōsetsu wa ai wo chuushin ni egakarete iru.
    • Translation: "This novel is written centering around love."

Spoken Context

  1. 今日のミーティングは新商品のアイデアを中心に話し合います。
    • Kyō no mītingu wa shin shōhin no aidea wo chuushin ni hanashiaimasu.
    • Translation: "We'll discuss mainly the ideas for the new product in today's meeting."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese society, group orientation and central themes are significant. Using ~を中心に reflects the importance of focusing on a core element, whether it's in business, community events, or storytelling. It aligns with the cultural value of harmony by indicating a common focal point.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 家族を中心に (kazoku wo chuushin ni): Focusing on family.
  • 東京を中心に活動する (Tōkyō wo chuushin ni katsudō suru): Active mainly in Tokyo.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Mistake: Using instead of : 東京中心に instead of 東京中心に.
    • Tip: Remember that is used as the object marker before 中心に.
  • Mistake: Misplacing 中心に in the sentence.
    • Tip: Place を中心に directly after the noun it refers to.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of を中心に as "placing [noun] at the heart (中心) of [action]."
  • Practice: Create sentences by identifying a central noun and describing an action or situation around it.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~を中心に means "centering around ~" or "focusing on ~".
  • It highlights the central role of a noun in the action of the sentence.
  • Use the structure: [Noun] を中心に [Verb/Phrase].
  • Commonly used in various contexts, indicating main themes or focal points.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does ~を中心に mean in English?
    • Answer: "Centering around ~" or "focusing on ~".
  2. Which particle is used before 中心に?
    • Answer: (wo).
  3. Create a sentence using ~を中心に.
    • Example Answer: 私たちは健康を中心に生活しています。 ("We live focusing on health.")

By understanding and practicing ~を中心に, you'll be able to express the idea of central themes and focuses in Japanese effectively. Use this grammar point to highlight what is most important in your sentences.

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