Processing keyword: ~と思う (〜to omou)
Japanese Grammar Point: ~と思う (〜to omou)
1. Introduction
The Japanese grammar point ~と思う (〜とおもう) translates to "I think that..." or "I believe that..." in English. It's a fundamental expression used to convey thoughts, opinions, and beliefs about various topics. Mastering ~と思う allows you to express yourself more naturally and engage in deeper conversations in Japanese.
2. Core Grammar Explanation
- ~と思う (〜とおもう): To think that..., to feel that..., to believe that... This construction is used when stating your personal thoughts or opinions about something.
The basic structure is: [Plain Form] + と思う Where [Plain Form] can be:
- Verbs (plain form)
- い-adjectives
- な-adjectives + だ
- Nouns + だ
Formation Diagram
Type | Plain Form | + | と思う | Meaning |
Verb | 食べる | + | と思う | I think (someone) eats |
い-Adjective | 高い | + | と思う | I think it's expensive |
な-Adjective | 便利 だ | + | と思う | I think it's convenient |
Noun | 学生 だ | + | と思う | I think (someone) is a student |
Note: For な-adjectives and nouns, you must include だ before と思う. |
Detailed Explanation
- Verbs
Use the plain form of the verb (dictionary form for present/future; た-form for past).
- 彼は来ると思う。
- I think he will come.
- 雨が降ったと思います。
- I think it rained.
- 彼は来ると思う。
- い-Adjectives
Use the adjective as-is (since the plain form is the same as the dictionary form).
- この本は面白いと思う。
- I think this book is interesting.
- この本は面白いと思う。
- な-Adjectives and Nouns
Add だ before と思う to link the noun or な-adjective to the verb.
- この町は静かだと思います。
- I think this town is quiet.
- 彼は先生だと思う。
- I think he is a teacher.
- この町は静かだと思います。
Visual Aid
Here's a simple diagram representing the structure:
[Verb (plain form)] + と思う
[い-Adjective] + と思う
[な-Adjective/Noun] + だ + と思う
3. Comparative Analysis
~と思う vs. ~と思っています
- ~と思う: Expresses a thought or opinion formed at the moment or a general belief.
- 明日、雨が降ると思う。
- I think it will rain tomorrow.
- 明日、雨が降ると思う。
- ~と思っています: Indicates a thought or opinion that has been held for some time; a more continuous state.
- 彼は日本に住みたいと思っています。
- He has been thinking of wanting to live in Japan.
- 彼は日本に住みたいと思っています。
~と思う vs. ~と言う
- ~と思う: "I think that..." (expressing personal thoughts)
- その映画は面白いと思う。
- I think that movie is interesting.
- その映画は面白いと思う。
- ~と言う: "They say that..." or "To say that..." (reporting speech)
- 彼はその映画は面白いと言う。
- He says that movie is interesting.
- 彼はその映画は面白いと言う。
4. Examples in Context
Formal Speech
- この提案は良いと思います。
- I think this proposal is good.
- あの方は有名な先生だと思います。
- I think that person is a famous teacher.
Informal Speech
- 今日は暇だと思う。
- I think I have free time today.
- 彼はもう寝たと思う。
- I think he already went to sleep.
Written Context
- 環境保護は重要だと思います。
- I think environmental protection is important.
- 私は、この計画は成功すると思います。
- I believe that this plan will succeed.
Spoken Conversations
- 明日のパーティーに行くと思う?
- Do you think you'll go to tomorrow's party?
- 彼女は忙しいと思うよ。
- I think she is busy.
5. Cultural Notes
Cultural Relevance
In Japanese communication, it's common to soften statements to be more polite and less direct. Using ~と思う helps to express opinions modestly, which is appreciated in Japanese social norms.
- 直接的: これは間違いです。 (This is wrong.)
- やわらかく: これは間違いだと思います。 (I think this is wrong.) Expressing uncertainty or personal opinion avoids potentially offending others and shows humility.
Idiomatic Expressions
- そう思います。
- I think so.
- 私もそう思います。
- I think so too. These phrases are commonly used to agree with someone's opinion politely.
6. Common Mistakes and Tips
Error Analysis
- Using Polite Forms Before と思う
- Incorrect: 寒いですと思う。
- Correct: 寒いと思う。
- Tip: Always use the plain form before と思う, not the polite 〜です/〜ます form.
- Omitting だ with Nouns and な-Adjectives
- Incorrect: 彼は学生と思う。
- Correct: 彼は学生だと思う。
- Tip: Remember to insert だ before と思う when using nouns and な-adjectives.
Learning Strategies
- Practice Forming Sentences: Create your own sentences using different verbs, adjectives, and nouns to become comfortable with the structure.
- Mnemonic Device: Think "Plain Form + と思う", and remember that だ acts as a bridge for nouns and な-adjectives.
7. Summary and Review
Key Takeaways
- ~と思う is used to express thoughts and opinions, equivalent to "I think that..." in English.
- Always use the plain form before と思う.
- For nouns and な-adjectives, include だ before と思う.
- Using ~と思います adds politeness suitable for formal situations.
Quick Recap Quiz
- How do you say "I think it's delicious" in Japanese?
- Answer: おいしいと思う。
- Which form should you use before と思う: polite form or plain form?
- Answer: Plain form.
- Correct the sentence: これは重要ですと思います。
- Answer: これは重要だと思います。
Feel free to apply ~と思う in your daily Japanese conversations to express your thoughts and opinions naturally!