Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~ずつ (〜zutsu)

Indicates equal distribution; 'each', 'per', 'apiece'.


Noun + ずつ



Ringo wo futatsu zutsu kubarimasu.

I will distribute 2 apples each.


Watashitachi wa shuu ni ichido zutsu souji o shimasu.

We each clean once per week.


Minna wa onaji kyori o ippo zutsu aruita.

Everyone walked the same distance, one step at a time.


Kanojo wa kodomotachi ni ichimai zutsu purezento o kuremashita.

She gave one present to each child.

Long Explanation

The ~ずつ grammar point is used to express an equal distribution of something, whether it is an action, an amount, or an item. It is translated as 'each', 'per', or 'apiece' in English.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~ずつ (〜zutsu)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~ずつ (〜zutsu)

1. Introduction

The suffix ~ずつ (~zutsu) is used in Japanese to indicate that something is occurring in equal amounts, quantities, or increments. It conveys the meaning of "each," "apiece," "at a time," or "by" when attached to numbers or quantity expressions.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • ~ずつ expresses the idea of distributing or repeating something in uniform quantities or increments.
  • It emphasizes that each person or thing receives or does the same amount.


Formation Diagram:

[Quantity Expression] + ずつ
  • Quantity Expression: A number, counter, or quantifier (e.g., 一つ, 二人, 少し).

How to Form

  1. Identify the Quantity Expression:
    • This can be a numeral with a counter, a quantifier, or a time expression.
    • Examples: 一つ (one item), 二人 (two people), 少し (a little), 一日 (one day).
  2. Attach ~ずつ directly to the Quantity Expression:
    • No additional particles are needed.
    • Example: 一つ + ずつ = 一つずつ (one by one).

Visual Aid: Common Examples

Quantity Expression + ずつ Meaning
一つ (hitotsu) 一つずつ One by one
二人 (futari) 二人ずつ Two people each
三枚 (sanmai) 三枚ずつ Three sheets each
少し (sukoshi) 少しずつ Little by little
一日 (ichinichi) 一日ずつ One day at a time

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing ~ずつ with Similar Grammar Points

~ごとに (~gotoni)

  • Meaning: "Every," "each," indicating regular intervals.
  • Usage: Emphasizes regular repetition over time or space. Example Comparison:
  • ~ずつ: 毎日一時間ずつ勉強する。
    I study for one hour each day (emphasizing equal time allocated each day).
  • ~ごとに: 一時間ごとに休憩を取る。
    I take a break every hour (emphasizing intervals).

~ずに (~zuni)

  • Meaning: Indicates doing something without doing something else.
  • Note: Although it sounds similar, ~ずに has a different function and meaning.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Situations

  1. 各部署に資料を一部ずつ配布します。
    Kaku busho ni shiryō o ichibu zutsu haifu shimasu.
    We will distribute one copy of the documents to each department.
  2. お客様に一人ずつご案内いたします。
    Okyaku-sama ni hitori zutsu go-annai itashimasu.
    We will guide each customer individually.

Informal Conversations

  1. お菓子をみんなで少しずつ食べよう。
    Okashi o minna de sukoshi zutsu tabeyō.
    Let's all eat the snacks little by little.
  2. 宿題をページずつ終わらせた。
    Shukudai o pēji zutsu owaraseta.
    I finished the homework page by page.

Written Language

  1. 彼は毎月貯金を増やしており、少しずつ目標に近づいている。
    Kare wa maitsuki chokin o fuyashite ori, sukoshi zutsu mokuhyō ni chikazuite iru.
    He increases his savings every month and is getting closer to his goal little by little.
  2. 新しい技術を一つずつ学んでいくことが重要です。
    Atarashii gijutsu o hitotsu zutsu manande iku koto ga jūyō desu.
    It is important to learn new technologies one by one.

Spoken Language

  1. 一人ずつ名前を言ってください。
    Hitori zutsu namae o itte kudasai.
    Please say your names one at a time.
  2. この薬は食後に二錠ずつ飲んでください。
    Kono kusuri wa shokugo ni nijō zutsu nonde kudasai.
    Please take two pills after meals.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Group Harmony: The use of ~ずつ reflects the Japanese cultural emphasis on fairness and equal distribution within a group.
  • Politeness Levels: ~ずつ itself is neutral and can be used in both formal and informal contexts without affecting the politeness level.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. 少しずつ (sukoshi zutsu) - "Little by little"
    • Usage: Often used to describe gradual progress.
    • Example: 日本語が少しずつ上達しています。
      Nihongo ga sukoshi zutsu jōtatsu shite imasu.
      My Japanese is improving little by little.
  2. 一歩ずつ (ippo zutsu) - "Step by step"
    • Usage: Emphasizes making progress one step at a time.
    • Example: 目標に向かって一歩ずつ進みましょう。
      Mokuhyō ni mukatte ippo zutsu susumimashō.
      Let's move towards our goal step by step.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Forgetting to Attach ~ずつ to a Quantity Expression
    • Incorrect: 彼にずつ渡した。
      Kare ni zutsu watashita.
    • Correct: 彼に一枚ずつ渡した。
      Kare ni ichimai zutsu watashita.
      I handed him one sheet each.
  2. Using Particles After ~ずつ
    • Incorrect: りんごを一つずつを食べた。
      Ringo o hitotsu zutsu o tabeta.
    • Correct: りんごを一つずつ食べた。
      Ringo o hitotsu zutsu tabeta.
      I ate the apples one by one.

Learning Strategies

  • Tip: Always ensure ~ずつ follows a quantity or amount.
  • Mnemonic: Think of zutsu as "each"—when you distribute something, you give "ze- two" (sounds like "zutsu") each.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~ずつ is used to indicate equal amounts or increments.
  • It attaches directly to quantity expressions without additional particles.
  • It is versatile and appropriate in various contexts, both formal and informal.
  • Common with idiomatic expressions emphasizing gradual progress or equal distribution.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: 毎朝、単語を五つ______覚えています。
    Maiasa, tango o itsutsu ______ oboete imasu.
    Every morning, I memorize five vocabulary words each. Answer: ずつ
  2. True or False: You can use particles like を or に after ~ずつ. Answer: False (Particles are not used immediately after ~ずつ.)
  3. Choose the correct sentence: a) 先生は生徒にプリントを二枚ずつを配った。
    b) 先生は生徒にプリントを二枚ずつ配った。 Answer: b)

By understanding and practicing ~ずつ, you can accurately express equal distribution and gradual progression in Japanese. Remember to attach it directly to a quantity expression, and you'll be able to use this grammar point effectively in your conversations and writing.

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