Korean Grammar Point
~아/어서 [a/eo/seo] (Because, So)

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: ~아/어서 [a/eo-seo] (Because, So)

Korean Grammar Point: ~아/어서 [a/eo-seo] (Because, So)

~아/어서 [a/eo-seo] (Because, So)

1. Introduction

The Korean grammar point ~아/어서 is a connective ending used to express reason or cause. It connects two clauses where the first clause provides the reason for the action or state in the second clause. In English, it is similar to "because" or "so".

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

~아/어서 attaches to the verb stem of the first clause to indicate that its action or state is the cause for the second clause. It's a way to logically connect ideas, showing causation.


  • Because, So


[Verb Stem] + 아/어서 + [Result Clause]


How to Choose between 아서 and 어서

  1. Verbs with stems ending in ㅏ or ㅗ: add 아서.
  2. All other verbs: add 어서.
  3. Verbs ending with 하다: change to 해서.

Formation Diagram

graph LR
A[Verb Stem] --> B{Last Vowel}
B --> |ㅏ or ㅗ| C(아서)
B --> |Other Vowels| D(어서)
B --> |하다 Verbs| E(해서)

Visual Aid: Conjugation Table

Verb (Dictionary Form) Verb Stem Last Vowel Ending Result
가다 (to go) -아서 가서
오다 (to come) -아서 와서
먹다 (to eat) -어서 먹어서
듣다 (to listen) -어서 들어서
배우다 (to learn) 배우 -어서 배워서
마시다 (to drink) 마시 -어서 마셔서
하다 (to do) - -해서 해서

3. Comparative Analysis

While ~아/어서, ~(으)니까, and ~기 때문에 all express causation, they have subtle differences:

  • ~아/어서:
    • Cannot be used with imperative (commands) or propositive (suggestions) sentences.
    • Focuses on a natural sequence or cause-and-effect relationship.
  • ~(으)니까:
    • Can be used with imperatives and suggestions.
    • Often used when giving excuses or reasons for commands.
  • ~기 때문에:
    • More formal and emphatic.
    • Used to state factual reasons. Example:
  • Incorrect: 배고파서 먹읍시다. (Cannot use ~아/어서 with a suggestion.)
  • Correct: 배고프니까 먹읍시다. (Using ~(으)니까.)

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

Formal Speech

  1. 시간이 없어서 택시를 탔습니다.
    • I took a taxi because I didn't have time.
  2. 비가 와서 우산을 썼어요.
    • It was raining, so I used an umbrella.
  3. 길이 막혀서 늦었어요.
    • There was traffic congestion, so I was late.

Informal Speech

  1. 피곤해서 일찍 잤어.
    • I was tired, so I went to bed early.
  2. 친구를 만나서 영화를 봤어.
    • I met a friend and (so) we watched a movie.
  3. 시험이 끝나서 기분이 좋아.
    • The exam is over, so I'm feeling good.

Usage in Questions and Answers

  • Q: 왜 어제 파티에 안 왔어요?
    • Why didn't you come to the party yesterday?
  • A: 일이 많아서 못 갔어요.
    • I couldn't go because I had a lot of work.

Dialogue Example

A: 오늘 기분이 좋아 보여요. B: 네, 좋은 소식을 들어서 기뻐요.

  • A: You look happy today.
  • B: Yes, I'm happy because I heard good news.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Politeness Levels: While ~아/어서 itself doesn't convey politeness, the overall politeness is determined by the sentence's ending.
  • Connecting Actions: In Korean culture, it is common to connect actions and their reasons closely, emphasizing logical flow.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 어서 오세요.
    • Welcome. (Commonly used by shopkeepers when customers enter, meaning "Come quickly.")
  • 어서 갑시다.
    • Let's go quickly.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using ~아/어서 with Imperatives or Suggestions
    • Incorrect: 도와줘서 주세요.
      • (Please help me because...)
    • Correct: 도와주세요.
      • (Please help me.)
  2. Incorrect Verb Stem Attachment
    • Incorrect: 먹다 + 아서 = 먹아서 ❌
    • Correct: 먹다 → 먹 (stem) + 어서 = 먹어서 ✅

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic for Ending Selection:
    • **"아/오" Vowels → 아서
      • 가다 → 가서
    • **Other Vowels → 어서
      • 먹다 → 먹어서
    • **하다 Verbs → 해서
      • 공부하다 → 공부해서
  • Avoiding Imperatives and Suggestions:
    • Remember that ~아/어서 cannot be used if the main clause is a command or suggestion. Use ~(으)니까 instead.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~아/어서 is used to connect two clauses where the first is the reason for the second.
  • Attach -아서 after verbs whose stem ends with or .
  • Attach -어서 after verbs with other vowels.
  • Verbs ending with 하다 change to -해서.
  • Do not use ~아/어서 with imperatives or suggestions.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Conjugate using ~아/어서: 쓰다 (to write) Answer: 써서

  2. Fill in the blank: 시간이 __ 없어서 늦었어요.

    Answer: 없어서

  3. Is this sentence correct? If not, correct it:

    • 날씨가 추워서 창문을 닫으세요. Answer: Incorrect. Should use ~(으)니까:
    • 날씨가 추우니까 창문을 닫으세요.

Continue to practice by making sentences using ~아/어서 to describe reasons or causes in your daily life!


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