Decoded Slug: ~는측에서 [neuncheugeseo](From the perspective of)

Korean Grammar Point
~는측에서 [neuncheugeseo](From the perspective of)

~는측에서 [neuncheugeseo](From the perspective of)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'from the standpoint/view of', 'in the perspective of'.


Noun + '는 측에서'


학생들의 측에서 볼 때, 과제가 너무 많아서 부담스럽다.
Haksaengdeul-ui cheug-eseo bol ttae, gwaje-ga neomu manh-aseo budam-seureopda.
From the students' perspective, the amount of homework is too much and burdensome.
경제학자의 측에서 디지털 화폐는 실제 경제에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
Gyeongje-hakja-ui cheug-eseo dijiteol hwapyeneun silje gyeongje-e keun yeonghyang-eul michyeo.
From an economist's perspective, digital currencies can have a big impact on the real economy.
의사의 측에서 본다면 치킨은 건강에 해로울 수 있습니다.
Uisa-ui cheug-eseo bondamyeon chikin-eun geongang-e haeroul su issseubnida.
From a doctor's perspective, chicken can be harmful for your health.
엄마의 측에서는 자기 아이가 항상 제일이지요.
Eomma-ui cheug-eseoneun jagi ai-ga hangsang jeil-ijyo.
From a mother's perspective, her child is always the best.

Long explanation:

The sentence suffix '~는측에서 [neuncheugeseo]' is used when expressing a specific perspective or viewpoint in Korean. It represents the point of view from which something is seen or judged. This pattern is often used when making comparisons or judgments from different perspectives, and especially in situations where the speaker wants to highlight a certain viewpoint or perspective.

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