Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verbる にも Verb れない (Verbる にも Verb れない)

Verbる にも Verb れない (Verbる にも Verb れない)

Short explanation:

Expresses the idea of 'even if I try or want to do something, I am still unable to do it'.


Verb-potential form + にも + Verb-negative form


Kare wo rikai shiyou ni mo rikai dekinai.
Even if I try to understand him, I can't.
Hashirou ni mo hashirenai.
Even if I want to run, I can't.
Nakou ni mo nakenai.
Even if I want to cry, I can't.
Wasureyou ni mo wasurerarenai.
Even if I want to forget, I can't.

Long explanation:

The にも Verb れない grammar point is used to express the situation when one tries or wants to do something, but can't do it. It is translated in English as 'Even if I try to..., I can't...' or 'Even if I want to..., I can't...'. It is usually used with potential form verbs.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Verbる にも Verb れない (Verbる にも Verb れない)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verbる にも Verb れない (Verbる にも Verb れない)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we will explore the Japanese grammar point Verbる にも Verbれない. This structure is used to express situations where even if one wants to do something, they cannot do it due to certain circumstances. It's a useful expression to convey feelings of frustration or helplessness.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


The grammar pattern Verbる にも Verbれない is used to indicate that even if one tries or wants to do an action, they are unable to do so. It emphasizes the inability to perform an action despite the desire or intent to do it.


The structure of this grammar point is as follows:

Verb (Dictionary Form) + にも + Verb (Potential Negative Form)

Formation Diagram

Component Function
Verbる Action you want to do
にも Particle indicating "even if"
Verbれない (Potential Negative Form) Indicates inability to perform the action

Example of Formation

Let's take the verb 行く (いく - to go) as an example.

  1. Verbる: 行く
  2. Verb (Potential Negative Form): 行けない Putting it together: 行く にも 行けない Meaning: Even if I want to go, I can't go.

3. Comparative Analysis

This grammar point is similar to other expressions of inability but has its own nuances.

  • Verbることができない: Simply states the inability to do something.
    • 行くことができない - I can't go.
  • Verbようにも Verbれない: A more emphatic version, often used to express stronger feelings of frustration.
    • 行こうにも行けない - Even if I try to go, I can't. Comparison Table
      Grammar Pattern Nuance
      Verbる にも Verbれない Even if I want to do, I can't
      Verbようにも Verbれない Even if I try to do, I can't (more emphatic)

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Physical Inability

  • 日本語: 風邪で声が出すにも出せない。
  • Romaji: Kaze de koe ga dasu ni mo dasenai.
  • English: I have a cold, so even if I want to speak, I can't.

Example 2: Situational Restriction

  • 日本語: 忙しくて休むにも休めない。
  • Romaji: Isogashikute yasumu ni mo yasumenai.
  • English: I'm so busy that even if I want to rest, I can't.

Example 3: Emotional Constraint

  • 日本語: 恥ずかしくて聞くにも聞けなかった。
  • Romaji: Hazukashikute kiku ni mo kikenakatta.
  • English: I was too embarrassed, so even if I wanted to ask, I couldn't.

Example 4: Lack of Resources

  • 日本語: 財布を忘れて買うにも買えない。
  • Romaji: Saifu o wasurete kau ni mo kaenai.
  • English: I forgot my wallet, so even if I want to buy it, I can't.

Example 5: Formal Context

  • 日本語: 重要な会議があり、帰るにも帰れません。
  • Romaji: Jūyō na kaigi ga ari, kaeru ni mo kaeremasen.
  • English: I have an important meeting, so even if I want to go home, I can't.

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness

  • The negative potential form (Verbれない) is polite enough for most contexts.
  • To make it more formal, you can use Verbれません instead of Verbれない.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • This structure is often used in idiomatic expressions to convey feelings of being stuck or helpless.
  • Example: 笑うにも笑えない (warau ni mo waraenai) - Even if I want to laugh, I can't (used when something is so serious or awkward that you can't laugh).

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Incorrect Verb Forms: Using the wrong form of the verb in the second part.
    • Incorrect: 行くにも行かない。
    • Correct: 行くにも行けない。
  2. Using the Wrong Particle: Replacing にも with でも or other particles.
    • Incorrect: 行くでも行けない。
    • Correct: 行くにも行けない。


  • Remember the Potential Negative Form: Ensure the second verb is in the potential negative.
  • Mnemonic Device: Think of "Want to do にも Can't do" as a way to recall the structure.
  • Practice with Common Verbs: Start with verbs you use frequently to get comfortable with the pattern.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Verbる にも Verbれない is used to express inability to do something even if one wants to.
  • The structure emphasizes a situation where circumstances prevent the action.
  • It combines the dictionary form of the verb with the potential negative form.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the basic structure of this grammar pattern?
    • Answer: Verbる にも Verbれない.
  2. Translate the following sentence:
    • 日本語: 食べるにも食べられない。
    • English: Answer: Even if I want to eat, I can't eat.
  3. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:
    • 見る ____ 見____ ない。
    • Answer: 見る にもられない。

By understanding and practicing this grammar point, you'll be better equipped to express situations where you're unable to do something despite wanting to. Keep practicing with different verbs to become more familiar with the pattern!


Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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