Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb に かえります (〜ni kaerimasu)

Verb に かえります (〜ni kaerimasu)

Short explanation:

Expresses the action of returning to a previous state or condition.


Verb-stem + に かえります


Reizouko ni ireru to, toketa aisukurīmu wa katamaru ni kaerimasu.
When put back in the refrigerator, the melted ice cream will return to being solid.
Kyuuka ga owattara, shigoto ni modorimasu.
When the vacation ends, I will return to work.
Rimōto wāku ga owatta ato, moto no ofisu ni modorimasu.
After remote work is over, we will return to our original office.
Gaikoku de benkyou shita ato, nihon ni kaerimasu.
After studying abroad, I will return to Japan.

Long explanation:

The に かえります grammar point is used to express the action of returning to a previous state or condition, often after a change has occurred. It is formed by attaching に かえります to the stem of the verb that indicates the original state or condition.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Verb に かえります (〜ni kaerimasu)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb に かえります (〜ni kaerimasu)

JLPT Grammar Lesson: Verb Stem に 帰ります (〜にかえります)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the grammar point Verb Stem に 帰ります (〜にかえります), which is used to express the purpose of returning somewhere to perform a specific action. This construction is useful for indicating that someone is going back to a place in order to do something.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


Verb Stem に 帰ります is used to express "return to do [Verb]" or "go back to [Verb]". It indicates that the subject is returning somewhere with the purpose of performing an action.


The structure of this grammar point is as follows:

[Verb Stem] + に + 帰ります
  • Verb Stem: The ます-form of the verb without the ます ending.
  • : Particle indicating purpose.
  • 帰ります: The verb "to return" or "to go back".

Formation Diagram

Component Explanation
Verb Stem The verb in its ます-form minus ます (e.g., 食べ from 食べます)
Particle indicating the purpose of movement
帰ります "Return", "Go back"

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

  1. Verb Stem に 行きます (〜にいきます)
    • Usage: "Go to do [Verb]"
    • Example: 映画を見に行きます。
    • Translation: "I will go to watch a movie."
  2. Verb Stem に 来ます (〜にきます)
    • Usage: "Come to do [Verb]"
    • Example: 友達が遊びに来ます。
    • Translation: "A friend is coming to hang out."


  • 帰ります specifically implies returning to a place, often one's home or origin.
  • 行きます simply indicates going to a place, not necessarily returning.
  • 来ます indicates coming towards the speaker's current location.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 家に昼ご飯を食べに帰ります。 I will return home to eat lunch.
  2. 忘れ物を取りに会社に帰ります。 I am returning to the office to retrieve something I forgot.

Informal Context

  1. ゲームをしに友達の家に帰る。 Going back to a friend's house to play games.
  2. 猫に餌をあげに家に帰るよ。 I'm going back home to feed the cat.

Written Language

  1. 彼は資料を取りに一度オフィスに帰った。 He returned to the office once to get the documents.

Spoken Language

  1. ちょっと財布を取りに家に帰ってくるね。 I'm going back home for a bit to get my wallet.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness Levels

  • Using 帰ります is neutral-polite and appropriate in most situations.
  • In casual conversations, 帰る (plain form) is commonly used among friends and family.

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japan, it's common to return home for meals or important tasks due to cultural emphasis on the home as the center of daily life.
  • Punctuality and responsibility are valued; returning to complete tasks shows diligence.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using the Plain Form Instead of Verb Stem
    • Incorrect: 食べるに帰ります。
    • Correct: 食べに帰ります。
  2. Omitting the Particle に
    • Incorrect: 宿題し帰ります。
    • Correct: 宿題しに帰ります。


  • Remember to use the Verb Stem: Remove ます from the ます-form of the verb.
    • Example: 飲みます飲み
  • Don't Forget the Particle に: It indicates the purpose.
  • Mnemonic Device: Think of as "in order to" — you're returning in order to do something.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Verb Stem に 帰ります expresses returning somewhere to perform an action.
  • Structure: [Verb Stem] + に + 帰ります
  • Always use the Verb Stem and include the particle .

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence: 私は本を読みに図書館に______。
  2. True or False: The particle can be omitted in the construction Verb Stem に 帰ります.
  3. Translate the following sentence into Japanese: "She goes back home to study every evening."


  1. 帰ります
  2. False
  3. 彼女は毎晩勉強しに家に帰ります。

By mastering this grammar point, you'll be able to express actions related to returning somewhere for a purpose more naturally and accurately in Japanese.


Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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